Members are able to upgrade their own membership by logging in to access their account, select upgrade membership, select the correct membership category and pay the fee (the fee being the Membership categories cost difference).
Note you must be a Paid Member in order to Upgrade your membership.
*** Please ensure you upgrade through your club portal, and only upgrade through the SkateNSW portal if you club does not have a club portal ***
1 - Login to your Club Portal (see list of Clubs)
Only if your Club doesn't have a Club Portal, only then login to the SkateNSW Portal

2 - Enter your Username and Password (you will only be able to Login when you are a Paid Member)

3 - In the Membership status section you will see your status.
Click the Upgrade button to change your membership category.
4 - Select the Membership Category you want to Upgrade to.
5 - Confirm your order.
6 - Pay the Invoice using PinPayment.
As soon as the Membership Invoice is paid by PinPayment your Membership Upgrade will be complete.
Note if you have joined via a Club Membership Portal and Upgrade via the SkateNSW Portal you will not be upgraded in your Club database, please ensure you only upgrade through your Club Portal (Only if your Club doesn't have a Club Portal, must you upgrade using the SkateNSW Portal).