Registrations for this event are closed.
The 2022 Max Arena Cup will be held over the Queen's Birthday - June long weekend (11-13/06/2022) at Maximum Skating - Max Arena.
The event is sanctioned by ILHNSW.
Non Skate Australia member participants must first register here for Event Insurance cover.
Skate Australia Competitive (CAT 1 / CAT 2) members (and non Skate Australia member participants that have registered for Event Insurance cover), can nominate for the event with Maximum Skating.
Max Arena Cup Team Registration -
Non-Member Event Insurance:
$30.00 - Available to participants who do not have Sports Injury Insurance Cover with Skate Australia and complete the Event Registration form
Non-Member Event Insurance is a non-member non-upgradeable event insurance cover.
Sports Injury Insurance Cover is only whilst participating in this event, for the duration of this event.
ILHNSW Sanction number: 290422A