Registrations for this event are closed.
The 2023 ILHA National Championships will be held in Queensland from Saturday 23rd September to Saturday 3 September 2023. Championships are being held at the new rink called “Skate Paradise” located at Hillcrest, Logan, Queensland.
This is an expression of interest only and if selected, a requirement will be for the player to be a Category 1 Inline Hockey member of SkateNSW.
Age Divisions are as follows.
Age Division
Player Information
Determination Date
9 years & Under
Minimum age is 6 years and maximum age is 9 years and can only compete in one age division.
Age as at 1/1/2023.
11 years & Under
Minimum age is 9 years
Can only compete in one age division.
Age as at 1/1/2023.
13 years & Under
Competes in this age division first and one age division above provided player is 12 years of age at 1/1/2022.
Age as at 1/1/2023.
15 years & Under
Competes in this age division first and one age division above
Age as at 1/1/2023.
Junior Women (female only)
Age eligible Female Players can choose Junior Women as their first division.
Minimum age is 12 years
& Maximum age is 17 years
as at 1/1/2023.
17 years & Under
Competes in this age division and one age division above
Age as at 1/1/2023.
23 years & Under
Competes in this age division and the Senior age division
Age as at 1/1/2023
Senior Women (female only)
Minimum age is 15 years
Age as at 1/1/2023
Senior Men (male only)
Minimum age is 17 years
Age as at 1/1/2023
*Minimum age is 34 years / 35+
Age as at 1/1/2023
* Minimum age is 44 years / 45+
Age as at 1/1/2023
Super Veterans
Minimum age is 50 years / Over 50
Age as at 1/1/2023
* note minimum age change / TBC
Selection will be based on expressions received and if considered necessary, try outs will be undertaken. The submission of an expression of interest does not guarantee selection into a team. Consideration may be given to expressions received from players residing in other states where they have represented NSW in the past, subject to agreed release from their home state.
Expressions close Monday 1 May 2023 ... Extended to 15 May 2023
If you need further information, please send any enquiries to
Interested in being a State Team Coach and / or State Team Manager, see details here: