Inline Freestyle Membership Portal

Welcome to SkateNSW Inline Freestyle Membership Portal

The SkateNSW Inline Freestyle Membeship fees are available here

If you require further membership details

you can find all available information in the MEMBERSHIP menu.


Chose the Inline Freestyle Membership Category you wish to join for 2024

Competitive Memberships

All members who skate in Competitions (includes the complete Skate Australia Insurance package)

Skaters who wish to participate anywhere, at any level namely Interleague, State, Interstate, National & International events


Skaters who wish to participate in Category 2 (+3,4&5) namely NSW/ACT & Regional Interleague events


Participation Membership

All members who participate on skates in Development Programs/Events (includes the Skate Australia Insurance package).

Skaters who wish to participate in Category 3 (+4&5) namely Interleague Development programs & events, including Intraleague events


Skaters who wish to participate in Category 4 – SkateStars, SkateFit & other Recreational / Promotional events ONLY


Association Membership

All members who participate off skates as Managers, Officials, Committee Members and/or Volunteers (includes the Skate Australia Insurance package).
Non-Skating - Managers, Officials, Committee Members, Volunteers*

* Non-Skating - Volunteers where formal qualification is not required may register as a volunteer for events


Coach Membership

All Coaches (aged 16+) Accredited, Partially Accredited (in Training) or not Accredited, that require Professional Indemnity Insurance.
All members aged 16+ that Coach Inline Freestyle Skating be it Participation Programs, Development Programs or any Competition level - includes Complimentary CAT 1 Premium membership


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If you have any questions, please contact SkateNSW


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