Quad Speed Skating





Before Inline Skates became popular, Speed Skating was the fastest way to get around on Roller Skates. While Speed Skating has since been taken over by the faster Inline Skates, not everyone has embraced the change, and through popular demand, Quad Speed Racing was reintroduced to the SkateNSW Speed Skating Grand Prix Series in August 2009.


All skaters need to join SkateNSW (through their local club where required and it is recommended to join through a club even if they live outside the specified areas).


Quad skaters would also be entitled to start in any of the existing ability grades if they don’t want to compete in the quad only grade. They are also entitled to start in the open event.


For further information please see the Frequently Asked Questions


More information


 Looking to join a Speed Skating club?


 There is an association rule (which is applicable to competitive members) that states that if you live within a 40km radius of a club that you need to join a club (note that it can be any club and not necessarily the closest club to where you live).


 There are Sydney clubs based in the Penrith, Taren Point and Macarthur area's which comes pretty close to covering the entire Sydney basin with the 40km radius rule.


 - Macarthur

- Taren Point

- Team Skatel


 When joining through a club you need to approach the club rep as it is the club who accepts the payment and then passes the relevant fees on the SkateNSW, note that there would also a club membership form and club membership fee (usually $10 -20) involved.


 It would be possible to join up on the day of competition but we would need to know the numbers in advance and ideally the skaters could arrive with pre filled membership forms (SkateNSW and club) which could be sent out via email.


 Which Level of Skate Australia membership do I need?


 There are a couple of levels of membership available and there are some restrictions placed on these. To compete in the GP series you would need to be at least a development (Cat 2) member. You would need to be a competitive (Cat 1) member to compete at NSW State Titles.

 The below pages may also be useful:


SkateNSW Speed Calendar

SkateNSW Speed Branch Procedures, Rules and Guidelines 



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